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100k FTP TopStepTrader Day 4

Hey Traders,

Thanks for coming back and reading my trading blog for Day 4 of my Funded Trader Prep. with TopStepTrader. Today was one of those days where that just didn't work out for me.

I got caught up in the overall momentum, Had a bias in my head and came out negitive. This will happen, losing days are very much a part of trading. Its all about understanding that you cannot force profits, Taking the losses with pride, Being honest with yourself and walking away.

A losing day doesn't mean you cant trade, It means your opinions did not work out to day so its time to step away and try again tmr! Learning to lose gracefully is just as important as learning how to make profits in the market. Its gonna happen, Do not avoid but embrace it, understand it then correct it and move on.

Once again, I'm almost half way through my FTP with TST and I'm looking to close out strong over the next week, hit my goals and get me a funded account,.

As always feel free to contact me direly to chat or you can add me to Skype! More information on my trading strategy can be found HERE.

Lino D.


Skype: lino.demarchi1

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