Failure is NOT an option.
Hey Traders,
Hope everyone is doing well, If your trading in these markets you know that it has not been easy. The market activity is awesome, a ton of opportunity and volatility with that you must take a step back adjust your trade plan and execute accordingly.
In January I was funded with TST, I passed the 100k combine and the FTP. I started out great making over $3000 on my first day. From there my emotional state did take over and I broke my trading plan, by that I mean I did not stick to my risk/reward parameters, my usual trade setups. Looking to take out more than the market was giving. I was playing catch up the entire time and as most of you know that never works out.
Unfortunately, I broke a rule in my first 10 days of trading and I lost my account, fortunately I did have equity in my account and I made a withdraw to cover all my data fee costs, combine etc. I’m very grateful for the opportunity TST provides, some of the rules are hard to navigate but I understand why they are there and you must respect them and create a plan just to get through the combine. I know exactly what it takes to get through both combine and FTP, it takes a separate strategy within your risk parameters. Once you chosen the combine you will be taking you then need to adjust your risk accordingly, It’s a process and it’s a part of trading the markets with strict rules in place. Most will do it through trial and error and combine after combine.
I have decided to pursue the funded account again with the 150k combine (the largest and highest profit target of $9000) As you can see by the picture in this blog I almost hit the target in my first day. My number 1 problem in trading in the mental aspect, I have been working on this for years. The disconnect that happens while trading is something I know people reading this have felt if you’re a trader. It’s a been a while since I have been that disconnected and its a humbling experience. Going forward that is what I will be working on personally. More blog posts to come about my thoughts on that.
My strategy, risk/reward system are absolutely strong and perfect for me in my opinion. Its proven in many ways including teaching others that are currently doing extremely well and part of my trading group. I can fund my account again and trade my own capital but I feel confident I can get back into the funded account with TST, trade large capital and the end goal is to also help others do the same. Trading these markets is about having all your ducks in a row from strategy, mental focus, technical analysis and patience, Add in the TopstepTrader rules as well.
Honesty is important in trading especially being honest with yourself. The markets will always expose your strengths and weaknesses but its always about recognizing them, research to fix the problem then working on it everyday until its right. Its about hard work, not just staring at your charts for days but a deeper focus of your state of mind, understanding your sub conscious mind and why it runs your thoughts and actions. My blogs were always a way to express myself, it really does help writing down your thoughts good or bad. Even a few swear words always help!
Thank you for reading my blog and as always if your interested in learning how I trade or How I passed the TST program the first time and got funded feel free to contact me.
I will be doing updates on my progress through the 150k combine and FTP!
Lino D.
Skpye: lino.demarchi1