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Earn2Trade Day 7 & Step 1 Passed TopstepTrader 100k Combine

Hey Traders,

Yet another day of volatility in the markets, with a slow start in the morning it was easy to get caught up, over trade and try to pic a direction.

Sideways movement took over but for me and my trading strategy I can still find profit while price is in a channel. When taking on these markets you need to stay dynamic, be able to profit when the markets trending and moving sideways.

Today I managed to profit over $700 on my $75,000 Gauntlet from Earn2Trade. This puts me only a couple hundred dollars away from the profit goal. I'm about half way through the required amount of day (15) I need to be trading. I will looking to go hover around 5k in profits then cruise into my last days of trading to secure the funded account.

Also, I have passed step 1 of the $100,000k TospstepTrader combine. Next step is to repeat the process taking it day by day and hitting the goal in 10 days. I will need to average approx. $600 per day. So tis all about base hits after base hit and not worry about the homeruns.

Thanks for reading!


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