TopstepTrader 150k Combine Day 10: COMPLETED
Hello Traders,
Today is Thursday April 7th, 2016 and it was my 1oth and final day on the TopstepTrader 150k Combine. The pit open was sideways with not a lot of volatility in the first 30 min or so. I took a couple trades, one was a full loser and the other was a break even plus 1 tick. I decided right then and there to stop trading.
I had enough equity to pass the combine and there was no point delaying the process even more. I shut it down and sent my results into the funded team for review. Everything should be good to go and I should hear back hopefully tomorrow about the next steep in the process which is the Funded Trader Preparation.
Looking back on my performance I’m very pleased, 5 out of the 10 days I had a “one and done” performance. Limiting my trades and focusing on one good trade, I won 8/10 days in the combine. Moving forward into the FTP I will be looking to do the exact same thing. Focusing on one good trade, taking my profits and going home.
I believe to be successful in trading you need to continually look at your trades, your performance, what is causing your losses and your winning days. Figure out what makes your losing days and winning days then adjust accordingly. For me my losing days consisted of over trading which led to pure emotional revenge trading and me digging a hole I couldn’t get out of. When I win its because I take very few trades, limiting my emotions and not sitting there trying to force every single tick out of the market. I make the trade come to me, execute it with the BEST risk/reward possible in the highest probability trade area, take my money and shut it down.
Thanks everyone for reading my blog, I will continue to post as I get through the FTP and BACK into the funded account.
P.S. Always believe you ARE a successful trader and the rest will follow.
Lino D.
Skype: lino.demarchi1
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