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TopStepTrader 100k Combine Day 9

Hey Traders,

Hope everyone reading had a nice relaxing weekend, I sure did. What a range Crude Oil had today in the overnight session. Over 200 ticks of movement before the pit open, I haven’t seen this since this summer when we unexpectedly got awesome movement across the board in the markets.

Whenever we see that movement it could be good or bad for us. In this case the movement was good and trended very nicely into the open. I had two successful trades to the downside even before the pit open. That tells you right there there was tons of volume and volatility.

Day 9 of the TopStepTrader 100k Combine is in the books and as of right now I caught up on my Crude losses and I’m looking good going in to the last day. As long as something catastrophic doesn’t happen I should be good to submit my combine for review and my hope is that I can start the Funded Trader Prep by Next Monday November 30th. With the holiday this week I’m sure theywill be out of the office but we will wait and find out.

The student traders are doing well and I hope to do another weekly recap of their trades later on in the week. Look forward to chatting with them in the Live Trade Room tommrow.

Below is a quick video recap and update on my combine performance. Please feel free to add me to Skype or send me an email if you have any questions on the program.

Thanks for reading.

Lino D.


Skype: lino.demarchi1
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